The meetings and events industry is all about bringing people together. Whether that’s a conference, trade show, product launch, or gala, the goal is to create spaces where people can connect, share experiences, and exchange ideas.
This industry is an exciting one, which is always changing. New trends and demands opening up fresh opportunities for anyone wanting to get involved.
Here we delve into useful tips, links and insights for fellow newcomers.
What’s so great about meetings and events?
The world of meetings and events is remarkable for the scale and variety of experiences it delivers. Whether it’s a hybrid conference with more than 100K attendees from across the world. Or an incentive trip offering once-in-a-lifetime activities like husky sledding in the Swiss Alps or sipping Bordeaux in a hot air balloon over southern France. The industry has an impressive ability to bring people together through creativity, technology, and innovation.
The industry offers a wide range of experiences, thanks to a diverse and skilled workforce. Teams handle everything from finding venues to managing attendees. Every detail of an event is carefully planned by experts, whether it’s choosing the venue, setting up the sound, or even folding the napkins at lunch.
One of the best things about this industry is the people. They are friendly and great at building connections—an important part of their job. Meetings, whether in person or online, are planned to be engaging and productive so everyone benefits from the experience.
How to get ahead
If you’re new and want to succeed, learning about the industry is important. BCD M&E’s blog is a great place to start. It’s full of articles on trends, ideas, and tips. These resources can help you understand the world of meetings and events and give you a solid foundation.
Industry acronyms you should know
Acronyms are frequently used across the meetings and events sector, making communication more efficient. But they can also be a source of confusion for newcomers. Here’s a quick guide to some of the most commonly used terms to ensure you’re in the know:
- A/V – Audio/Visual
- CMP – Certified Meeting Professional
- CRS – Central Reservation System
- CSM – Convention Services Manager
- CVB – Convention & Visitors Bureau
- DMC – Destination Management Company
- EMS – Event Management Software
- F&B – Food & Beverage
- FAM Trip – Familiarisation Trip
- I&D – Installation and Dismantle
- LS – Life Sciences
- MEEC – Meetings, Expositions, Events and Convention
- MICE – Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions
- MMP – Modified Meeting Package
- PDR – Private Dining Room
- PEO – Program Execution Order
- RFP – Request for Proposal
- SMM – Strategic Meetings Management
- VS – Venue Search
Stay in the know
In such a competitive and fast-paced industry, staying informed about trends, innovations, and best practices is vital. Below is a selection of respected industry publications to help you stay ahead and in the know:
- Business Travel News
- C&IT (Conference & Incentive Travel)
- M&IT (Meetings & Incentive Travel)
- M&C Asia
- Micebook
- Meetings Net
- Smart Meetings
- Skift Meetings
For even more insights, you can subscribe to BCD M&E’s newsletter, The Point. It includes a roundup of the biggest industry news, along with our latest blog articles and early access to reports.
Stay up to date with what’s going on in the world of meetings & events
Originally published Feb 7, 2023 6:38:15 AM
Last updated January 21, 2025 07:00:00 AM