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Congress Event Management

Considering the destination at your congress event

Full Travel, Logistics & Catering across Verona

Success Story

The Brief

We delivered full services for a leading congress client’s participation in the WVPA Congress 2023. The event took place in Verona, Italy and included internal and veterinarian  delegates from across the globe.

The Solution

To ensure a smooth experience for all delegates, a range of services was provided:

  • A full travel plan including ticketing for all Italian participants.
  • Hotel research and contracting at four-star hotels was completed for all delegates.
  • Transportation was organized between the congress venue and the hotels for ease.
  • Two dinners were planned for the delegates, one held in the hotel and one in Verona’s Arena Square.
  • A dedicated food menu was created, with consideration to the various nationalities.
  • A city tour of Verona was organized for all of the client’s delegates.

The Result

We successfully managed over 90 delegates from all over . In addition to the successful three days of meetings, the opportunity to experience Verona through tasting traditional Veronese dishes and the guided tour gave the international guests unique access to the magnificent corners of the city.

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